Friday, September 12, 2008

Glass Slipper!

Allie has discovered Cinderella. She will watch it all day long if I let her. The cutest thing happend on Sunday though. We had just finished watching Cinderella and Allie ran up to me with her sunday shoe and said "Look Mom! a Lass Ipper!" I said a glass slipper and she noddded her head and and lifter her foot and asked me to put it on. When the shoe was on her food she said "Ding" just like the music in Cinderella! The Slipper fit she is our Princess!


Nik English said...

silly allie baby!

Laurie said...

Oh, the beautiful baby. I am so so so so glad that she loves Cinderella. I totally love that she tried to put on that plastic shoe I have and how disappointed she was that it did not fit. I am glad we explained that it was not the real slipper and it would fit if it was.
Love that girl

Laurie said...

Oh and I tagged you

Gatnnos said...


CTuna's Cavern said...

That's a wonderful story. Do you rmember after watching the Wizard of Oz you went around the house for days clicking your heals together and saying... there's no place like home? Like Mother like daughter... Love you... Dad

Laurie said...

Your letter is G
have fun with it and I hope it is not to hard.
Kristin and I chose this letter for you